Botox gets FDA approval to treat crow’s feet

Botox has been officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat crow’s feet, or wrinkles around the corners of the eyes.

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) is made from the botulinum neurotoxin, a toxin that can cause a serious disease that leads to muscle paralysis called botulism.

However when injected directly into a muscle in approved doses, Botox prevents muscles from tightening by temporarily paralyzing them, which in turn makes wrinkles less visible.

Reprinted from CBS Newsread more…

National Breast Reconstruction Awarness Day

breast-reconstructionBreast Reconstruction Awareness Day is an initiative designed to promote education, awareness and access regarding post-mastectomy breast reconstruction. Singer/songwriter Jewel is the national spokesperson and her song Flower was written song to benefit breast reconstruction patients. Learn more about BRA Day USA.